Extrication Rules


Our planet is dying. Global warming is out of control, and it is up to you to extricate the citizens of earth. As the few organisations with interstellar capabilities, you must coordinate launching the spacecraft at your disposal, carrying its precious cargo off-planet.

Earn Prestige by saving Cohorts of Citizens, sufficient Organic material, and a range of Science advancements.

Set Up

  1. Find the Development cards. Take the ‘Final Scramble’ card and place it face down. Shuffle the others and place them face down to form the Development draw pile.
  2. Take the Launch Pad cards and give 1 small and 1 large to each player.
  3. Find the Ship cards. Lay out the Action track by placing the 10 Small Ships in a row next to each other. Shuffle the remaining Ship cards and place them face down to form the Ship draw pile.
  4. Mix up the small Cargo tiles and place them in a face down pile to form the Cargo draw pile.
  5. Deal 1 Cargo to each location above the track.
  6. Place all orange Fuel cubes and green Organic cubes in the bag, and mix them up.
  7. Place 1 cube at each location below the track.
  8. Each player takes 1 Worker, 1 Science Tableau, and 1 Population Sustainability track.


Arrange the player's Workers in an initial turn order from youngest player to eldest. The game will take place over several Rounds.

  • Players take their turn by moving their Worker to a location that is not occupied by any other player, and always moving in a forward direction from Start to End along the Action track. Refer to the Actions section for what you can do.
  • Once all players are on the track, the next turn always goes to the player furthest from the End of the track.
  • A player may choose to end their participation in the current Round by moving their Worker off the track, and back to the start. The order this occurs will determine the turn order for the next Round.
  • Once all players move back to the Start the current Round will finish.

Prepare For Next Round

  • For each Ship that was taken during play, replace it with one from the Ship draw pile.
  • Place a new Cohort/Science token at each location, even if there are tiles already there.
  • Add 1 cube from the bag to each location below the track.
  • Turn over a new Development card. This will apply to the next round.
  • Begin a new Round in the turn order decided by the previous round.


When a player places a Worker on a location, they can choose to do ONE of the following:

  • Take the Ship card and place it on a Launch Pad (Maximum 1 Ship per Launch Pad.)
  • Take 1 or more Citizen Cohorts from the location and place them on cargo spaces on their Ships. The player must have capacity available on their Ships for the Cohorts they take.
  • Take 1 or more Organic cubes from the location and place them on cargo spaces on their Ships. The player must have capacity available on their Ships for the Organic cubes they take.
  • Take 1 or more Fuel cubes from the location and place them on their Ships. The player must have capacity available on their Ships for the Fuel they take.
  • Take only 1 Science token and place it on its matching lowest space on the Science Tableau.

Launching Ships

At any point on their turn, a player may choose to launch any of their Ships into space, provided they have the required number of Fuel cubes allocated to the Ship, and at least 1 Cohort of Citizens. To launch:

  • Discard the Fuel cubes to a discard area.
  • Place all Citizen Cohort tiles in a stack next to your Population track, and move the grey cube along the track 1 space for each tile.
  • Discard all Organic cubes to a discard area, and move the green cube along the track 2 spaces for each cube.
  • Remove the Ship from the Launch Pad and place it next to your Tableau.

Technology Tableau

As players build their Science Tableaus, they gain certain advantages.

After placing their worker on a location:

If a player has the 1st tile of a Science, they may choose to select the matching action from any location behind them on the action track, instead of their current location.

If a player has the 2nd tile of a Science, they may choose to select the matching action from any location in front of them on the action track, instead of their current location.

Each field of Science allows selection of a different resource as follows:

  • Astrophysics: Ship cards
  • Comms: Citizen Cohort tiles
  • Biology: Organic cubes
  • Robotics: Fuel cubes
  • AI: Science tiles

Game End and Scoring

When the Final Scramble Development card is drawn, play 1 more round.

After that, the game will end and players will tally their final scores.

Each player counts their Prestige earned as follows:

  • Gain 1 Prestige per supported Citizen Cohort, up to the value of your Organic cubes.
  • Lose 1 Prestige for each Citizen Cohort ahead of the Organic cube value.
  • 1 full set of the 5 unique Science tokens will earn an extra 3 Prestige.
  • A 2nd set of the 5 unique Science tokens will earn an extra 5 Prestige.
  • The player with the most supported Citizen Cohorts with earn an extra 5 Prestige.

Note: You cannot count cargo on Ships that have not launched.

The winner is the player who has earned the most Prestige.

Tie breakers will go to the player with the most Citizen Cohorts, then the most Science tiles, then the most Ships launched.


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